
Showing posts from June, 2019

The real contribution of Bharat ( India 🇮🇳 ) to the world 🌏!

The real contribution of Bharat ( India 🇮🇳 ) to the world 🌏 :-  1. Father of Astronomy:          Rishi Aryabhatta        work - Aryabhattiyam  2. Father of Astrology:       Rishi Varahamihira   works;  Panchasiddhantika,                 Bruhat Hora Shastra  3. Fathers of Surgery :     Rishi Charaka and Rishi Sushruta , works : Samhitas  4. Father of Anatomy:       Rishi Patanjali , work: Yogasutra   5. Father of Economics :       Acharya Chanakya , work: Arthashshtra  6. Father of Atomic theory :       Rishi Kanada , Work : Kanada sutras      7. Father of Architecture :           Bhagwan Shri Vishwakarma , work : Suryasiddantika 8. Father of Aero...

Chakravarti Samrat of Ancient Bharatvarsha ( Hindustan or lndia )!

Chakravarti Samrat of Ancient Bharatvarsha ( Hindustan or lndia ). Till date we have heard only of Chandragupta or Ashoka when it come to talking of monarchs of ancient India. But there have been Samrat of very ancient India too i.e the pre-Mahabharata era. Today, I am going to list the Chakravartin Samrat of pre-Mahabharata era. But first, let us see who qualifies to be called the 'Samrat' of India. According to the titles given to the rulers, there are three distinct categories- Raja ( King ) Maharaja ( Emperor) Chakravartin Samrat ( Monarch ) A Raja or king is like a ruler of a small kingdom, generally chieftain of a tribe or community. A Maharaja or an emperor is the ruler of a large kingdom, significant enough to influence the politics of the area. And finally, a Samrat is the one who rules the entire or major part of Bharatvarsh and has others under his sway. A typical way of going up the ladder was either by performing Ashwamedha or Rajasuya Yagyas or physical...

पराक्रमी राजा सुहेलदेव !

पराक्रमी राजा सुहेलदेव  मुस्लिम आक्रमणकारी सालार मसूद को बहराइच (उत्तर प्रदेश) में उसकी एक लाख बीस हजार सेना सहित जहन्नुम पहुंचाने वाले राजा सुहेलदेव का जन्म श्रावस्ती के राजा त्रिलोकचंद के वंशज पासी मंगलध्वज (मोरध्वज) के घर में माघ कृष्ण 4, विक्रम संवत 1053 (सकट चतुर्थी) को हुआ था. अत्यन्त तेजस्वी होने के कारण इनका नाम सुहेलदेव (चमकदार सितारा) रखा गया. विक्रम संवत 1078 में इनका विवाह हुआ तथा पिता के देहांत के बाद वसंत पंचमी विक्रम संवत 1084 को ये राजा बने. इनके राज्य में आज के बहराइच, गोंडा, बलरामपुर, बाराबंकी, फैजाबाद तथा श्रावस्ती के अधिकांश भाग आते थे. बहराइच में बालार्क (बाल+अर्क = बाल सूर्य) मंदिर था, जिस पर सूर्य की प्रातःकालीन किरणें पड़ती थीं. मंदिर में स्थित तालाब का जल गंधकयुक्त होने के कारण कुष्ठ व चर्म रोग में लाभ करता था. अतः दूर-दूर से लोग उस कुंड में स्नान करने आते थे. महमूद गजनवी ने भारत में अनेक राज्यों को लूटा तथा सोमनाथ सहित अनेक मंदिरों का विध्वंस किया. उसकी मृत्यु के बाद उसका बहनोई सालार साहू अपने पुत्र सालार मसूद, सैयद हुसेन गाजी, सैयद हुसेन खातिम, सैयद...

Hindu Marathi descendants in #Balochistan

Hindu Marathi descendants in #Balochistan : - Balochistan is recently in news due to PM mentioning in his 15th Aug speech. You will be surprised to know that out of total 1.31 Crore population of this province around 20 Lac population is of Marathi descendants. This province was forcefully merged with Pakistan in 1948. Since then there were 4 major revolt for independence in Balochistan. Three were led by people of  Marathi descendants. How these people of Marathi descendants went and settled in Balochistan? In the third battle of Panipat, Marathas were defeated. It is estimated that around fifty to seventy five thousand soldiers of Pune's Peshwas were imprisoned and taken to Balochistan which was part of Afghanistan as slaves. These people are even today known by following names - 1. Peshwani Maratha (relatives of Peshwas who were captured. It was assumed that one of the brother of then Peshwa was also captured and taken to Balochistan) 2. Bugti Maratha 3. Kal...

Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaja : Inspiration for Vietnamese & World's !

Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaja : Inspiration for Vietnamese & World's  !  During the Vietnam war, people used to study the guerrilla war tactics from the style of  Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaja.  A small country like Vietnam brought a mighty USA to it’s knees. President of Vietnam was asked by reporters, how could they achieve that feat? He replied that “I read the character & deeds of a great king, who inspired me to try his war tacticts against the US Forces..and the success just followed.” When asked who was the king , he replied “Shivaji”. He further added that “had such a king been born in Vietnam, we would have ruled the world” After the death of the said Vietnamese President, he had it inscribed on his tombstone “Shivaji Maharaja’s One Mavla, has achived Samadhi” (Since Shivaji’s soldiers belonged to Maval region of Maharashtra, they were called Mavlas) A few years later the Vietnamese, lady Foreign Minister visited India, and as per SOP conduct...

Hindu Samrajya Divas : Self-confidence gives Strength, and Strength provides Education, Knowledge provides Stability, and Stability leads to Victory !

“Hindu Samrajya Divas”  is an auspicious reminder.  It is a hopeful historic testimony. The Jyeshta shuddha thriodashi of 1674 impregnates self confidence in us.  This gives life to the impetus for the efforts towards the eternal welfare of our sacred land.   The life of Chatrapati Shivaji gives us the recognition that the languishment, our sacred land experiencing these days, is just temporary because our virtuous land was born to attain the solemn target of making the universe noble (कृण्वन्तो विश्वमार्यम्) , which had transcended ages of incessant challenges.  The days, when we were under the audacious mughal dynasty, Shivaji had arose prowess in people to combat, with the ferocious noise of Bhavani’s sword.  That helped to create a great empire from nowhere. Even though Shivaji’s Hindu empire was much less in terms of the land, the formation of the empire celebrated an eternal truth. The true message of the great achievement was that there was n...