
Showing posts from August, 2019

Great Hindu King Porus defeated Alexander !

Great Hindu King Porus defeated Alexander !  During the battle ,Alexander was sitting on his horse and porus was mounted on his giant well trained elephant ! Alexander came running in order to attack porus but as soon as he came near the elephant of porus ,the elephant gave a push to the horse of Alexander . The push was so hard that Alexander fell down from his horse and was left unconscious ,his men took Alexander away from the battlefield for his treatment ! … Alexander back bone was broken due to his fall from the horse .. The question is , If Alexander was not on the battlefield and was severely injured so bad that he was left unconscious then how can he win the battle ??? …but it is true that in a skirmish prior to the war Alexander killed Porus's son order to avenge the death Porus himself marched towards Alexander . When Britishers came to India ,they burnt our age old libraries even Before Islamic invaders also looted our libraries and ancient books ! ....

सम्राट शालिवाहन : विश्वविजेता !

आज हम सिद्ध करेंगे कि विश्वविजेता सिकंदर नहीं सम्राट शालिवाहन था !! सम्राट विक्रमादित्य के ५९ वर्ष बाद शालिवाहन परमार की राज्याभिषेक ७७ (इ.) हुआ था तो मुर्ख वामपंथी यह तथ्य बिलकुल गलत हैं की सम्राट विक्रमादित्य के हत्यारे उनके परपोत्र शालिवाहन ने किया हैं ।   मित्रों मैकॉले ने तो इतिहास को बर्बाद किया हैं पर मैकॉले के मानसपुत्र काले अंग्रेज़ो ने इस परंपरा को आगे ज़ारी रखते हुए इस राष्ट्र के वीरों को गुमनाम कर दिया गया और लूटेरों को इस भारत भूमि के शासक बना दिया जैसे अंगिनत बार हारनेवाला मैसिडोनिया सिकंदर को विश्व विजयी बना दिया सिकंदर १२८ राज्यों से पराजित हुआ था सिकंदर को विश्वविजयेता घोषित करनेवाले मैकॉले के मानसपुत्र इतिहासकार थे आप सोच भी नहीं सकते इन्होंने इतिहास में कितनी गंदी मिलावट की प्रियदर्शिनी नाम का राजा हुआ करता था| जो विश्वविजयता था उनको मिटा कर राजा अशोक का नाम प्रियदर्शिनी कर दिया गयासातवाहन राजा सातकर्णि राजा कोई और था पर इतिहासकारों ने विक्रमादित्य के परपौत्र के नाम को मिटाने के लिए शालिवाहन को सातकर्णि बना दिया । हमारे भारत के १२ ऐसे राजा हुये जिन्होंने...

Idea of Bharat : Nationalising Bharatiya Mind !

Idea of Bharat: Nationalising Bharatiya Mind            Swaraj during the Independence Struggle was not limited to the ‘Self-Rule’. The ‘Swa’ in Swaraj also meant self-thinking based on civilisational wisdom. Despite many efforts during the Independence struggle, Bharatiya mind is still grappling with the colonial mindset. From global politics to family issues, everything is understood and interpreted from the Western prism. The liberals and the Communists take pride in denying everything that is India. On the other hand, common people who cherish and imbibe these India traditions through specific customs and festivals, find it difficult to understand this intellectual jugglery on the Western parameters. This is the reason behind the evident disconnect we experience between the intellectuals and common masses. There is a strong sentiment for decolonising the Bharatiya Mind. What should be the replacement? The answer lies in Bharat Bodh, revitalising the...

How Will it be possible to reunite the Akhand Bharat ?

How Will it be possible to reunite the Akhand Bharat ? In order to form union of sub continent India or Akhand Bharat following points to be noted 1) We must have mutual trade among South Asian countries to develop countries as separate entity. or else it will be like a European union with major part played by Germany and decrease in the overall value of currency. 2) This is the right time to stop fighting over the territories, start solving problems of neighboring countries and maintaining good relationship with them. It is like planting seeds and watering them to get the benefit of fruit in future. Stop importing goods from nations other than South Asian nations by which we can increase mutual trade and development of domestic traders leading to development of the overall economy. 3) Export more and more goods to countries other than South Asian countries by which inflow is higher than the expenditure. It just like money flow chart of a person. Inflow of mon...

India : A wounded civilization because of Islamic Terrorism of Violence & Christianity ideology of violence

" India has been a wounded civilization because of Islamic violence: Pakistanis know this; indeed they revel in it. It is only Indian Nehruvians like Romila Thapar who pretend that Islamic rule was benevolent. We should face facts: Islamic rule in India was at least as catastrophic as the later Christian rule. The Christians created massive poverty in what was a most prosperous country; the Muslims created a terrorized civilization out of what was the most creative culture that ever existed.” Nobel prize Winner Sir V S Naipaul in Economic Times, 13 January 2003 Genius Nobel Prize winner late Sir V.S. Naipaul  Indian ancestry in Trinidad, went to Oxford University on a scholarship and lived the rest of his life in England, where he forged one of the most illustrious literary careers of the last half-century. He was knighted in 1990.  In India, unlike Iran, there never was a complete Islamic conquest. Although the Muslims ruled much of North India from 1200A.D. ...

India ( Bharat & Hindustan)– Not a mere Nation but a Civilization, Hinduism – Not a Religion but a Culture !

Namaste Jai Shri Ramji,       I ndia ( Bharat & Hindustan)– Not a mere Nation but a Civilization, Hinduism – Not a Religion but a Culture The concepts of Nation and Religion are a western world view imported into the Indian society. So when you say India is a mere nation or Hinduism is a religion, that is a very narrow definition you are ascribing to both. Let us see why. Why is India not a mere Nation? A nation is a western concept, as a political geographical boundary separating societies and its people meant to be united in a “nationalist” idea. But a political nation need not necessarily always mean a unified society. Take the case of UK which is a nation, and Scotland which is a part of it is soon going to vote in September 2014 to decide if they want independence from United Kingdom. Take the case of erstwhile unified nations which went on to be divided into smaller nations later. Nor do two nations living side by side mean their societies are n...