
Showing posts from July, 2020

"Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam" = "The World is My Family "🕉️🌏🌍🌎💓🌹💕🙏

This mantra which is an excerpt from VEDAS. This mantra is used during SANKALPA patha.🙏 You must have heard Pandit Brahmin chanting this sloka during SANKALPA ceremonies.🙏 Have you ever met a Pandit Brahmin in Temple who asks for your Name & Gotra!!! That's what they chant by adding some external informations like your name, Gotra etc. SANKALPA = SANKALPA MANTRA is chanted in the beginning of any ceremony performed by HINDUS.🙏 It is an oath taken with the Vedic mantra to complete any task. It may be a Puja, a Homam or anything.  The information you will get from this Sloka will blow your mind. Remember this sloka is from VEDAS & VEDAS are the base of SANATANA HINDU DHARMA 🕉️🚩💓🙏. This particular sloka tells you about your Origin. What is your current timeline!!! Which Geographical location you are located in!!!etc etc🙏 Let me explain this for you. If you can read this Sloka then look for these words from photo which am explaining here word by word.🙏 " 🕉️Om Tat...